Houston maprunsThu 27 May, 2021



May Thursday evenings #4

Training level event

Explanation of Event levels

Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.

Terrain type: Urban & Parkland

Last updated: Thu 20 May, 2021


Our fourth May evening activity is on 27th May in Houston and will use a choice of three Maprun urban courses set up by Andy.
The course options are Long, Medium and Short.
Please sign-up your name here.

Parking/assembly at Compass Centre, South St, PA6 7ET.
You don’t have to use the Maprun app – we can provide guidance in setting it up on your phone if you haven’t tried it before, but printed maps will be available.
The event will follow orienteering Covid-19 protocols (including competitors must observe social distancing before and after their run). Starts will be 6.00-6.30pm.

Cost members £2 (£1 junior) or non-members £3 (£2 junior) - no cash handling on the night, payable before or afterwards to Clyde account, will provide details after entry.

Location Info

Near: Houston
Lat,Lng: 55.86846,-4.55235
Postcode: PA6 7EN

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